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To fill the research gap on library-community partnerships during emergencies, the project utilizes a web-based Illinois case study survey (Year One) to uncover initial findings related to library-community partnerships, and two Community Engagement Roundtable (CERs) (Year Two) discussions to discuss survey results, recommendations for partnerships, and to raise the conversations to the national level.
Year One activities focused on a case study survey of Illinois multi-type libraries to uncover initial findings related to library-community partnerships during community-wide emergencies. Click on the links below to view results from the survey:
On July 29 and 30, the Libraries as Partners project team members Jessie Chin, Sharon Comstock, and Karen Brown gave a survey findings summary presentation to the project’s state and national advisors. The presentation covered important survey findings, key takeaways from the findings, and areas of inquiry that need to be other addressed in the project’s Year Two Community Engagement Roundtables and future research. Click on the link above to view or download the presentation slides.
Project team member Jessie Chin and iSchool graduate student Yuefan Zhou conducted a textual data analysis of the survey responses. It generated summarized conclusions for each of the survey’s three areas: emergencies, scope and nature of partnership, and role of libraries in partnership. Click on the link above to view or download the textual data analysis report.
Project team members Lian Ruan, Kelda Habing, and Chenglin Mao created data visualizations of the survey responses in each of the survey’s areas using pie charts, bar graphs, tables, and other methods. Click on the link above to view or download the survey data visualizations.
The Survey Findings: Executive Summary report compiles findings from the above three resources. Click on the link above to view or download the executive summary.