Community Engagement
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The project has achieved many milestones according to its proposed schedule in addition to various presentations and publications.
See the timeline below to see the project’s major milestones.
Project begins; Year One activities begin
Presentation at Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois Board Meeting
First National Advisor Meeting. Introduction of project and team to advisors and discussion of Year One survey development.
First State Advisor Meeting. Introduction of project and team to advisors and discussion of Year One survey development.
Survey of Illinois Multi-Type Libraries Opened
Second State Advisor Meeting. Update on survey responses and preview of initial survey data.
Second National Advisor Meeting. Update on survey responses and preview of initial survey data.
Survey of Illinois Multi-Type Libraries Closed; Survey Data Analysis Begins
Presentation of the short research paper “Libraries as Partners for Emergency Preparedness and Response in Times of Crisis: Survey Design and Development” at the iConference 2024. Publication of conference proceedings pending.
Survey Data Analysis ends; Creation of survey findings report begins
Third State Advisor Meeting. Survey Findings Summary Presentation to Advisors given by project team members Jessie Chin, Sharon Comstock, and Karen Brown.
Third National Advisor Meeting. Survey Findings Summary Presentation to Advisors given by project team members Jessie Chin, Sharon Comstock, and Karen Brown.
End of Year One Activities
Year Two Activities: Community Engagement Roundtables in development. Recruitment of panelists and participants begins.